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Sodes Green Acre Country Market & Cafe

7 Goethe Street
Guttenberg, IA 52052 US

Sodes Green Acre Country Market & Cafe

Sodes is a family owned and operated sports bar and grill. The business and concept have deep family roots - Beth, one of the owners, grew up upstairs. Her parents owned the building and helped out when Doug Geuder first opened Doug's Steak House on the main floor in 1961. The building has housed Doug's Steakhouse and Doug's Pub and Grill, and now, Sodes Bar and Grill. The name "Sodes" comes from a nickname for the family name, Sadewasser (pronounced "soda-wahsser"). Matt Sadewasser, Beth's husband, grew up in the country playing basketball in a straw barn and softball in a field with his many siblings - this "league" was known as Sode League. Sodes' staff members have all become part of the Sode League, with each member wearing a shirt bearing that name and a sports position of their choice.

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